National Safe Work Month Week 4: Musculoskeletal Injuries

22nd Oct 2024 in

This week looks at musculoskeletal injuries and how to effectively manage the risk of harm.

Both physical and psychosocial hazards can contribute to musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs). Research indicates that psychosocial hazards can increase the likelihood of workers developing MSIs in the workplace. These hazards may include excessive or insufficient work demands, a stressful work environment, and inadequate support within the workplace.

National Safe Work Month Week 3: Risk Management Fundamentals

15th Oct 2024 in

This week we're diving into one of the most crucial aspects of workplace safety which is the Risk Management Fundamentals.

Risk Management is all about proactively identifying hazards and implementing controls to eliminate or minimize them. The process involves four key steps, all underpinned by consultation:

National Safe Work Month Week 2: Psychosocial Hazards

8th Oct 2024 in

Preventing psychological and physical harm at work are equally important. Encompassing World Mental Health Day, this week looks at how to identify and manage psychosocial hazards.

A psychosocial hazard is anything that can cause psychological harm. The most common Psychosocial Hazards are created by:

National Safe Work Month Week 1: Work health and safety fundamentals

1st Oct 2024 in

October is National Safe Work Month. This year's National Safe Work Month theme, Safety is everyone's business, calls on workplaces across the nation to make safety their business. This theme highlights the collective benefit of safe work practices to everyone in the workplace by reinforcing Work Health and Safety (WHS) as a fundamental principle and right. Trinity Insurance will focus on the Safe Work Month topics each week of October. Week 1 focuses on Work Health and Safety (WHS) Fundamentals.

An Update on NSW's "Industrial Manslaughter Law"

22nd Aug 2024 in

Industrial manslaughter occurs when there is an unlawful killing of a worker by a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), or an officer of the PCBU.  Employers in Australia have a duty of care to provide their workers with a safe working environment.

Ensuring Workplace Safety: Reporting Notifiable Incidents

25th Jul 2024 in

When a serious incident occurs in the workplace, you as the employer may be required to notify the incident to SafeWork NSW under WHS laws.

What is a notifiable incident?

Notifiable incidents are serious incidents that results or could have resulted in a serious injury. These incidents could involve an employee, but may also involve contractors, volunteers, customers, patrons, visitors or guests.

Under WHS legislation, a ‘notifiable incident’ includes:

Do you have an up to date Return to Work (RTW) Program?

18th Jul 2024 in

It is a requirement of the Workers Compensation legislation that all employers must have a RTW Program describing their Workers Compensation Management processes.

SIRA have specific criteria that they need to see included in these RTW programs, so Trinity Insurance have created templates for our policy holders to make this process as simple as possible.  Please see the Employer RTW Toolkit located on site under Useful Resources.

Why is First Aid important in the Workplace?

2nd May 2024 in

When a medical emergency or injury takes place, whether it is to an employee or a patron, knowing what to do and being able to react quickly can limit the severity of the health scare or injury - or even prevent a death.

What are the requirements?

Your workplace must provide first aid equipment, first aid facilities and a trained first aid officer to respond rapidly and appropriately in the event a person/s requires first aid intervention.

Free work, health and safety systems.

26th Mar 2024 in

Trinity Insurance has two WHS systems that we offer completely complimentary to our Trinity clients.

TrinitySafe is our WHS Safety Management System, designed to support businesses to achieve a happy, healthy and safe workplace for their employees, while helping managers and the business meet their WHS legislative compliance.

Similar systems can cost up to $10K however our customers can manage their workplace health and safety protocols through TrinitySafe for free.

Hazardous Manual Tasks

8th Feb 2024 in

Every day we perform a range of manual work tasks that stress the body and potentially lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). But what makes a manual task 'hazardous' and what can you do to keep your workplace safe?

Manual tasks (or manual handling) involve pushing, pulling, lifting, lowering, carrying, or otherwise moving, holding or restraining any person, animal or thing. However, not all manual tasks are hazardous.

For a task to be 'hazardous', one or more of the following must be present: